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Saturday, 7 January 2012

Judging from the aches we must be in training!

Be impressed, we've completed our first two training sessions of 2012!

Jake and Nic ventured out after school,on Thursday, to jog a lot and walk a little for three quarters of an hour.  It went quite well all things considered - those 'things' being Nic's general lack of fitness and Jake's general aversion to running.  Nic's a hard task master, "Jog through your stitch, you'll be fine."  He did and he was.  We returned in the dusk across the fields and Jake got his revenge, just 50 metres from our front door, Nic found the muddy puddle, "Keep going mum, you'll be fine!"

Today they took to the road on their wheels.  A fabulous, sunny day with a fair nip in the air.    25 miles later they got their slice of Christmas cake and cup of tea.  Jake is still 'breaking in' his new saddle - hence his John Wayne impersonation.  Nic responded in sympathy.  The last 4 miles were distinctly uncomfortable but that was a good New Year effort.

Jake has a rugby match tomorrow, Nic will be practising putting one foot in front of the other and seeing if the muscles can function without too much discomfort.

We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the training. Hope the weather stays on your side through most of it.
