Not to be out done, which of course they were, Nic & Philip decided to put their Wednesday 'Boot Camp' training into practice and head for some hill (repetitions) reps on their unladen bikes. A 6 mile warm-up brought them to the foot of a mile long climb, a stiffish bit at the beginning, gentle slopes and areas of short effort. Probably rates as a 6/10 hill - they all count. Up and down the other side, back up (a quite nasty start on the return) and down to the start point, avoiding some really lethal pot holes that lept out at them through the dappled light under the trees lining the descent. Next a half rep up and straight back down - important to remember to fuel up well before setting out! About turn for the final up, down the far side and a return journey.
It was felt necessary to stop and chat to a couple who had been quietly enjoying the view and the spectacle of up to a dozen gliders floating eerily above. In the course of an hour and 10 miles we had pedalled past them 5 times - that's getting lost spectacularly! Five successful reps completed, time for Nic to collect Jake from his stroll up Snowdon - no prizes for guessing whose legs ached the most.
Looks like we might get some warm weather training in this week. Summer is here, let's hope it stays with us through August.